Sunday, September 10, 2006

Destination: Bartertown

Okay, I've started my (first) simulation city. I've played this game before and remember a few tips. Unfortunately I've never been able to create a successful city AND keep my budget in the black.

I'm going to create a centralized city with a few basic rules.
1. Maximize the waterfront area for high end residential and commerical use.
2. Keep a buffer space between the industrial and residential areas. (Parks and commercial). My hope is to grow the city slowly as the RCI needs indicate. Although I would appreciate the god like power to plan everything out right now.

We'll see how this strategy goes.

1 comment:

Ellie said...

Based on your screen shot above, the 'buffer space' that you noted is quite thin. However this is a term/condition that seems to be prevelant in some of the other blogs. See the discussion on Andy's blog re: Detroit and my responses regarding Porosity (or Poro-City). It would be interesting to test how thin or thick or figural this 'buffer' space could be...