Sunday, September 10, 2006

Ack! Disaster!

Okay, so i carefully laid out my city. I placed all the industry on the outer edge and the residential zones near the water, interweaving commercial blocks as the RCI demand indicated. I spent almost all of my money zoning, building road, electrical lines and power (plus a seaport for some fun). And rebalanced my taxes so that the city actually generates money.

But do you see that little white swirly thing in the top left corner???? ITS A TORNADO!


Ellie said...

Please tell me you have a screen shot POST tornado!?! What is the 'age' of the city circa the screen shot? I'd be curious to see how quickly the SimCity AI felt you needed a disaster. With Industry on the outer edge surrounding the waterfront residential how do you plan to grow the city? A centralized city (as per your previous post) is vastly different when it occurs in the 'plains' (where every side/direction is the same) vs. along an 'edge' condition.

Max said...

The Tornado hit the city, but the devastation was not nearly what I was expecting. It tore up a total of 6 of my zoned blocks.