Thursday, September 28, 2006

SimCity at night

I have very little excuse for not posting recently. I will attempt to offer something.
I have been in thesis land. The studios on the 5th floor of Mass Ave have "iffy" internet access at best. So my sim cities have been wallowing.
However, one night as I was coming home at 4am, I was realizing how different Boston is at the weeeee hours of the night. It really has a different life. The roads were very empty, and my cabbie zipped along at top speed. Every restaurant we passed had the soft glow of being freshly clean. The few people who were out had alot of purpose whether good or bad. It made me think of my SimCitizens who were on the third shift: mostly service people, either just starting or ending their days. It also made me think of Andy's criminal element. Using the cover of darkness to exploit other Sims sleeping in their beds. Sneaking in and out of dim alleys to boost cars or plan the next battle in a complex mafia turf war.

It makes me want to integrate the seedier element of urban centers (alleyways) into my simcities.