Friday, November 10, 2006

The Architecture of Video Games

Really I just wanted a link to this video on my blog. When I think about the new Wii and the new Zelda... I sorta wet my pants.

But seriously, video games have come a long way, but even with the original Legend of Zelda, the architecture, settings, and spatial design are crucial to the game play.
Dungeon from the first Legend of Zelda

The newest Zelda game, Twilight Princess, is no different. The game designers have created a lush, imaginative 3-D world, and typical for zelda games, the characters are dwarfed by their surroundings.

Grand Theft Auto had similar emphasis on settings, and one mini game featured in GTA: San Andreas, has you running around the GTA version of San Francisco, photographing the notable architecture.

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What's my point?
I love SimCity because it's a simulation game that marries several things I love... urban design, social criticism, architecture, etc etc. But the only problem I have with it is it's flatness. Even the latest incarnation, SimCity 4, there are beautifully rendered images with depth and shadows. But it still lacks the viseral qualities of GTA/Zelda.

There are parts of GTA that are seedy and dangerous, while there are locations that are breathtaking. Zelda is similar... light and shadow, spatial proportions... all contribute to making a space feel safe or not. I guess this stems back to our earlier conversations about dark alleyways, farms and romantic locations. I just always feel like my simcity is pure AI rather than a rich complex place for people to live.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Two Men Enter, One Man Leaves

In a landmark election, Maxwell Ng has come from behind to be re-elected Mayor of Bartertown in one of the narrowest margins in history.

This morning, Steve Gates, Independent Candidate for Mayor filed a legal injunction to prevent his personal Servo, known to the public as Isaac the Robot, from becoming the next Mayor of Bartertown. Many have speculated that Gates used his vast coffers and industrial leverage to tip the ruling quickly into his favor. This controversial court ruling disqualified Isaac from the race, leaving Mayor Ng with a slim majority of the vote.

Ironically, Gates did not post even numbers with Mayor Ng. In fact, Mayor Ng narrowly surpassed write-in candidate "Mickey Mouse."

In Mayor Ng's acceptance speech, he promised a position for both his opponents in his administration. Gates will serve as Minister of the Interior and Isaac will be tapped for the newly created Minister of Robots. "Today's election and the events of the last few weeks have taught me so much about what Bartertown is capable of. I need to draw from the resources available to me. Together, you and I can blaze a new path for a bigger and better Bartertown."

Isaac's strong early showing in the polls are being attributed to the vast number of Servos casting ballots in the pre-dawn shift. The site of thousands of Servos performing their civic duty prompted thousands of more Bartertown residents to cast similar votes for what seemed to be the "logical choice."

Gates Disqualifies Isaac from Race

Earlier today Steve Gates filed legal action with the Bartertown Superior Court to disqualify Isaac the Robot from the Mayoral race. In a landmark lunchtime decision, 5 of the 9 Justices ruled that a Robot cannot serve as Mayor of Bartertown and disqualified Isaac on the grounds of that a Robot defies the traditional definition of a Mayor.

From the ruling as drafted by Nitt Ronney, "Like me, the great majority of Bartertownians wish both to preserve the traditional definition of Mayor and to oppose bias and intolerance directed towards Robots and Servos. The Mayorship is not an evolving paradigm," said Ronney, "but is a fundamental and universal position that bears a real and substantial impact to the public health, safety, morals, and general welfare of all of the people of Bartertown."

When asked to comment about the recent ruling, Isaac stated simply, "I only wish to protect future residents of this town from disaster."

Mayor Ng's office released this brief response to the ruling, "We are shocked at the obvious racism and discrimination that was purchased today. If Isaac did indeed win the race, Mayor Ng would have fully supported him and his administration."

Isaac the Robot pulls into Early Lead

Early exit polls show that the Dark Horse Candidate Isaac the Robot is leading the two other candidates. When asked why he voted for the Servo Robot, an anonymous voter stated simply "Because he's logically the most superior candidate." However a last minute injunction filed by Steve Gates may prove that it's illegal to elect an artificial life form to be Mayor.

Early Poll Results

As the race for the corner office and Decision Bartertown draws to an end, SimCitizens everywhere are forced to choose the future of Bartertown. This race could best be summarized as a three way race, between an incumbent with poor accountability, an independent with little experience but lots of money, and an eerilly exacting and slightly macabre machine. Independent Steve Gates has continued to hammer incumbent Mayor Ng with a negative ad campaign, calling him self servile, negligent and dictator like. Mayor Ng has for the most part ignored these television ads with his only response being "Neener neener neener." Both Gates and Ng have largely ignored Isaac the Robot as a serious threat in the race.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Why I am the Mayor

Bartertown is a great city, blessed with natural beauty and extraordinary Sims. It's a place that I created to cultivate community and opportunity. But today, Bartertown is at a crossroads. No longer just a grassroots experiment or a small isolated island unto itself. Bartertown is now a SimNation capital and a major metropolitan cluster. Bartertown and it's residents impact the lives of Sims everywhere from neighboring Microcity and Haverill Redux, to far away Montville and even exotic Bali Hai. Bartertown is a great city. But it's not complete yet.

Still growing

I started this city with a dream and a few thousands Simoleons in my pocket. From that dream, I've built and cultivated a city that thrives and grows. By carefully organizing the zoning of where people live, work and play, Bartertown has expanded, both physically and culturally. I know that Sims need industry to support their liveliehood. That's why I've worked hard to attract corporations and factories to Bartertown.

Industrial Leader

Live Strong

In order for all Sims to have happy productive lives, Bartertown needs to grow healthy. After the earthquake of 2023, I immediately leaped into action with a reconstruction plan. Knowing that we had the OPPORTUNITY from the rebuild, I initiated the Bartertown 3000 plan. Coordinating with local experts from Academia, corporate pharmacueticals and research groups, Bartertown is poised to be a major medical center come year 3000.

Healthy Sims

I Believe the Children are our Future

I know that every enlightened SimCitizen has a role to play in helping to make Bartertown. I believe in the Sim Dream, and want to work to put it within reach of more people here in Bartertown.

This town has suffered some major losses in the last 120 years. Earthquakes, floods, and fires have ravaged the landscape. But I have always been able to build the city back, and better. The youth of Bartertown have been the ones who reap these benefits. There's no denying that Bartertown has become a major SimCity for Schools and universities. There are over 30 institutions of higher learning in Bartertown, and their students help keep this city fresh and young. We must cultivate that population: provide them with a safe outlet for the services and nightlife they crave, but also give them room for a healthy future. We cannot let our young and well educated future walk right out the door.

Academic Partnership

Hope, vision and hard work

My grandmother had a saying that fortified me: “Hope for the best – and work for it.”

I can still remember when I first created Bartertown. It wasn’t a robotics capital then. It wasn’t a major port city or academic megalopolis. It was just a blank batch of pixels ready for programming. Bartertown is not perfect. But it's what we make of it. It's what I made of it. I hoped for the best – and worked for it.

I learned how not to accept what is right in front of me, what someone else said were my limits. I learned how to imagine a better life and a better way. And I worked for it. Now that Bartertown's residents have matured into their home, my vision for Bartertown can only get brighter.

And that is why I am Mayor. Because my hope and vision for Bartertown are synonomous with the essence of what Bartertown is. I am it's past, it's present and it's future.

Thank you,
Mayor Ng