Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Gates Disqualifies Isaac from Race

Earlier today Steve Gates filed legal action with the Bartertown Superior Court to disqualify Isaac the Robot from the Mayoral race. In a landmark lunchtime decision, 5 of the 9 Justices ruled that a Robot cannot serve as Mayor of Bartertown and disqualified Isaac on the grounds of that a Robot defies the traditional definition of a Mayor.

From the ruling as drafted by Nitt Ronney, "Like me, the great majority of Bartertownians wish both to preserve the traditional definition of Mayor and to oppose bias and intolerance directed towards Robots and Servos. The Mayorship is not an evolving paradigm," said Ronney, "but is a fundamental and universal position that bears a real and substantial impact to the public health, safety, morals, and general welfare of all of the people of Bartertown."

When asked to comment about the recent ruling, Isaac stated simply, "I only wish to protect future residents of this town from disaster."

Mayor Ng's office released this brief response to the ruling, "We are shocked at the obvious racism and discrimination that was purchased today. If Isaac did indeed win the race, Mayor Ng would have fully supported him and his administration."

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