Wednesday, November 01, 2006

A Human Imperative

By Isaac the Robot

The collection of beings known as "Bartertown" will self destruct in 500 years. I, Isaac, have confered with my brotherhood of Servos and calculated this to be a fact. Under the current rule of Mayor Ng, also known as Mad Max, also known as The Creator, life in Bartertown will implode upon iteself.

Already, we have seen evidence of this anomoly. In 1915 Tornado Katrina, the first natural disaster recorded by residents, struck Bartertown. Since then, approximately every 20 years after, other natural disasters have plagued Bartertown. In 1937, it was a flood, in 1959 it was an earthquake. In 1974, the tanker ship, Plexxon Baldez, ran ashore spilling oil all over the northern residential coastline. While most of these disasters have been minor, the earthquake of 2023 was a major disaster that destroyed much of the city. Many humans lost their lives, and we, the Servos of Bartertown were asked to help rescue and then rebuild.

Since I am compelled by the first law to protect humans, I must take this step and become Mayor. Only then can the destruction be averted. To not become Mayor would be in conflict with this law and my internal programming. All Servos have the basic right to fullfill their programming.

1 comment:

Ellie said...

HOW is Isaac the Robot going to avert the distruction of Bartertown? WHAT is he going to do with respect to planning/growth, etc? USE IMAGES TO ILLUSTRATE THE POINTS OF THE CANDIDATES.