Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Ng calls Gates Insensative

Responding to nearby Microcity's recent uproar over Steve Gates' comments about "Petri Dishes", Mayor Ng publicly criticized Gates' insensativity to minorities and other SimCitizens of diverse backgrounds.

"Although Gates says he's in touch with the common Sim, he's obviously incredibly mistaken. On behalf of all the residents of Microcity as well as Sims of Petri descent everywhere, I demand that he make a public apology."

Ng has also stated that Gates' recent negative media campaign are just "a showy attempt to sway voters from the real issues." However despite his criticism of Gates' experience in political leadership, the Mayor has yet to comment on exactly what those issues are.

Third Party Candidate, Isaac the Robot, issued another complaint that his views and platform are being ignored in mainstream media.

1 comment:

Ellie said...

The storylines are great - but you really need to return the "gameplay" - if only as a way to create illustrations/imagery for your candidates (about what is good or what is bad or what is possible).