Sunday, September 17, 2006


Okay, after commenting on others' blogs, I noticed that my SimCity was in fact the opposite of what I said I wanted. So as I expanded westward, I tried to keep my original intention more defined.

Here is a centralized city. From west to east, there are outer residential zones, then a strip of commercial zones (as well as other support spaces), then a swath of industrial zones. My population is currently 92k.

I also started a second "slow" city as Chris suggested. So therefore I'm going to call this large big city "Bartertown".


Max said...

It's 1996.
I have a seaport and stadium. My airport burned down when one of my airplanes botched it's landing.

Ellie said...

This is a really clear (read: pure) diagram of what your initial posts alluded to. It would be interesting to see how this city actually grew - did you create all of these striations with open plots and then start to fill them in? Try and present the development/tinkering of the SimCity (see if you can make an animated gif from a series of sequential screenshots and post that).

Ellie said...

Are certain zones thriving more than others? As your city reaches its centennial, be critical of how your 'imposed' decisions are panning out.