Thursday, October 26, 2006

Bartertown Breaking News!

For Immediate Release

After months of working in frustration with city officials of Bartertown to try and clean up the city after the devastating earthquake, Steve Gates, robotics pioneer and local tycoon announced his own candidacy for Mayor.

"I'm tired of hitting wall after wall. I want to make a difference in this city and I keep getting bogged down in the beauracracy. Something's gotta change. This town needs serious people who are going to solve our serious problems."

When asked about the stunning development, incumbent Mayor Maxwell Ng (who has been previously unopposed for the past 25 terms), only had this to say "Hmmppph. I'd like to see him try. The man has no business running a city. In fact, he didn't even EXIST last week."

Regardless of Mayor Ng's skepticism about Steve Gates' independent bid for office, the voters now have options on Election Day. Something that most private citizens of Bartertown welcome.

"I think Mayor Ng needs a good shake up. It's about time we got some new blood in the corner office. I can't even remember when we first elected Ng." Said a concerned citizen on the streets of Bartertown's seaport district.


Ellie said...

Again, great post. But don't revert to using only text to describe the events/city - incorporating the screenshots provides the reader with a little more context (or realism) in which to allow the storyline to take place.

Steve states "I want to make a difference in this city." ... WHAT is he referring to specifically?

Steve states "This town needs serious people who are going to solve our serious problems." ... WHAT are the serious problems? hint: make sure some of the problems have to do with the planning or growth or urban patterns or segregation or something that you can use to return your posts to the 'city' rather than events within the city.

Oh, and you made a typo - you called the robotics pioneer Steve Jobs ...

Max said...

Whoops. Fixed the Jobs reference.

I am hoping to incorporate more images into my posts (I've already gone back into the first interview and dropped in some portraits).

I imagine that as we approach election day the race will have published debates, and some good old fashioned mud slinging.